10th IDF-WPR Congress 2014 | 6thAASD Scientific Meeting, Singapore
Carpal tunnel syndrome treated by SGLT2 inhibitor
手根管症候群(Carpal tunnel syndrome:以下、CTSと略す)は、正中神経支配領域の知覚障害と運動障害を病態とする正中神経の絞扼神経障害である。知覚障害は、主として、母指、示指、中指、環指橈側の疲れと、チクチクとした痛みを特徴とする。一方、運動障害は母指の掌側外転と対立運動が、主立ったものである。CTSは、絞扼神経障害のうち最も頻度の高いものであり、糖尿病患者における有病率も高い。
糖尿病に伴うCTSでは、臨床的な神経障害発症の時点で、正中神経に脱髄、軸索変性を高率に生じているといわれ、この点が診断、治療を困難にしている。総じて女性が男性より有病率が高く、年齢別でみると、男性は45〜54歳が多く、女性は35〜64歳の広範囲に及び発症することが知られている。 当院では、CTSの顕著な改善を示した女性を経験し、学会で報告することとしました。文献上、世界で最初の報告になります。
糖尿病に伴うCTSの有病率は10〜30%におよび、症状を伴わないCTSは22%で、症状を伴うCTSの有病率(11%)の2倍であるとの報告がある2)。糖尿病多発神経炎を伴う場合にはCTSは約30%合併するが、それを伴わない場合には半減するとの報告もある1)。このように、糖尿病臨床において、CTSは、頻繁に遭遇する障害である。その診断および治療は、主として整形外科医師の指導に従っていた。また、CTSの診断には、Gold-standardがないといわれている。CTSに伴う自覚症状などについて、医師が問診と理学的所見と、電気生理学的検査(神経伝導速度など)を、どのように組み合わせておこなうのが最良の方法かについてもGold standardはなく総合的な判断が優先されている。なお、電気整理学的検査は、アメリカ整形外科学会のガイドラインでは、必ずしも診断に必要な検査と位置づけていない3)。
1)今枝敏彦。手根管症候群の疫学。MB Orthop. 20:1-7, 2002
2)Dyck PJ, Kratz KM, Karnes JL, Litchy WJ, Klein R, Pach JM, Wilson DM, O'Brien PC, Melton LJ 3rd, Service FJ.The prevalence of staged severity of various types of diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy in a population-based cohort: the Rochester Diabetic Neuropathy Study. Neurology 43:817-824, 1993
3)Keith MW, Masear V, Chung K, et al.: Diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 17: 389-396, 2009
5)亀山真。糖尿病患者の手根管症候群。糖尿病合併症 27:169−172,2013
7)Rosenstock J, Vico M, Wei L, Salsali A, List JF. Effects of dapagliflozin, an SGLT2 inhibitor, on HbA1c, body weight, and hypoglycemia risk in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on pioglitazone monotherapy. Diabetes Care. 35:1473-8, 2012
SGLT2阻害剤開始後の、食生活の変化 (2014年、糖尿病近畿地方会で報告)
Compensatory overeating (COE) could be a problem of diabetes diet education after sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor treatment.
Background: Compensatory overeating (hereinafter referred to as COE) has been controversial issue for treatment of SGLT2i (sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor). Among the out-patients of HDC Atlas clinic, we experienced high percentage of patients who suffered from COE after taking SGLT2i.
Method: 172 type 2 diabetes ambulatory patients were subjected. Male 133, female 39. Interview survey was conducted after 2 weeks and 6 weeks of STLT2i treatment start. Carbohydrate depletion feeling, trend of meal, and trend of overeating were investigated.
Result: After two weeks, carbohydrate depletion feeling occurs in 28%. Carbohydrate sense of loss occurs in 19%. After 6 weeks, 74% noticed the overeating of carbohydrate, sweets, and fruits. As for COE, after 2 weeks, 18% noticed COE, and after 6 weeks, 29% noticed COE. This suggests that COE is likely to increase as time goes by.
Conclusion: Theoretically, diabetes patients under SGLT2i therapy lose 300 – 400 kcal in urine. However, practically, patients become likely to take more foods, especially carbohydrate, sweets, and fruits. The data suggest persistent urinary glucose excretion induced by SGLT2i was accompanied by compensatory overeating (COE), which attenuated the weight loss induced by SGLT2 inhibition. Therefore, COE could be a problem of diabetes diet education.
SGLT2i (sodium-glucose transporter 2 inhibitors) has been used in Japan since April, 2014. Four products of SGLTi have been released and widely prescribed. One is ipragliflozin, and the others are dapagliflozin, luseogliflozin, and tofogliflozin. In common, genital infection was thought to be common in the elderly. However, practically, the question what kind of patients are likely to be affected regarding balanitis has not been clarified. Therefore, we reported the adverse effect of balanitis through closed SNS service, called as TmDance, and also gathered the official drug information from eight pharmaceutical companies.
About 200 patients of type 2 diabetes were subjected at our HDC Atlas Clinic. They were equally out-patients. Their complaints were questioned and each of adverse effect was reported through TmDance (closed SNS service). TmDance is one of social medical network system, which composed of closed and secret communication system between medical doctors and medical representatives independently. Medical doctor reported adverse effects soon after he noticed the adverse effect by using copy&past from electronic chart to the dairy of TmDance. Throudh TmDance, medical representitives of pharmaceutical companies promptly noticed and could gather the adverse effect information as soon as possible.
In addition, by making use of TmDance, the occurrence of adverse effect, especially regarding balanitis, was collected from medical representatives. Data of adverse effect in Japan, especially of balanitis, were based on the description of drug information which has been reported every month from eight pharmaceutical companies.
According to the database of drug information, in ipargliflozin, totally 22 patients of balanitis were reported. (less than 50 y/o:12, 50-59 y/o:4, 60-69 y/o:3, 70-: 3). In dapagliflozin, totally 3 patients were reported. (less than 50 y/o:0, 50-59 y/o:1, 60-69 y/o:1, 70-: 1). In luseogliflozin, totally 3 patients were reported. (less than 50 y/o:3, 50-59 y/o:0, 60-69 y/o:0, 70-: 0). In tofogliflozin, totally 2 patients were reported. (less than 50 y/o:1, 50-59 y/o:0, 60-69 y/o:0, 70-: 1). According to the result reported by TmDance from HDC Atlas clinic, in ipragliflozin, totally 5 patients of balanitis were reported. (less than 50 y/o:3, 50-59 y/o:0, 60-69 y/o:1, 70-: 1). In dapagliflozin, none patients were reported. In luseogliflozin, 1 patients were reported. (less than 50 y/o:1, 50-59 y/o:4, 60-69 y/o:3, 70-: 0). In tofogliflozin, totally 1 patient was reported. (less than 50 y/o:0, 50-59 y/o:4, 60-69 y/o:3, 70-: 1). Thus, 7 (23%) out of 30 were reported from HDC Atlas clinic through closed SNS of TmDance. In total of Japan, 16 (54%) out of 30 were under 49 years of old. At HDC Atlas Clinic, 4 (57%) out of 7 were under 49 years of old. Interestingly, 7 (23%) out of 30 patients were reported through closed SNS of TmDance. It suggests that the closed SNS system of TmDance can be fully applied with high quality and accuracy for reporting the adverse effect in medical practice.
Contrary to the prediction, the adverse effect of balanitis was frequently found in the patients who were under 49 years of old. It was possibly due to the high opportunity of sex intercourse during the younger period than older period. For instance, some patients were worried about the pain of balanitis when morning erection occurred. 26 percentage of balanitis was reported through internet media of TmDance. Hence, closed SNS communication system such as TmDance will bring a lot of benefits on reporting adverse effect of new drugs like SGLT2i.
Johnsson KM, et al. Vulvovaginitis and balanitis in patients with diabetes treated with dapagliflozin. J Diabetes Complications. 2013 Sep-Oct;27(5):479-84.
Home page of explanation of TmDance: www.iryoo.net
Login: https://www.tmdance.com/
Suzuki Y.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice ,Vol.106,S266-S267
Published in issue:November,2014
In Japan, recent report of ipragliflozin: one of sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, indicates the highest number of adverse effect is with skin complication. Japan Diabetes Society published warning recommendation in June 2014. However, the incidence of skin complication has not been reported at any institute.
At our clinic, ipragliflozin was prescribed towards 142 patients of type 2 diabetes (male 112、female 30, aged 61.8+10.0 y/o (Mean + SD)). They had taken ipragliflozin for more than 6 weeks and switched to luseogliflozin, otherwise they had dropped out because of adverse effects. With them, the adverse effects were retrospectively examined.
In result, 22 patients dropped out, and 120 patients remained and switched ipragliflozin to luseogliflozin. Skin complication occurred in 19 patients (13.4%). Three patients experienced severe eruption. Regarding mild complication of skin, it had two different patterns. One is eruption with itching and the other is only itching. In result, 14 patients first noticed mild skin complication after ipragliflozin. 5 cases showed eruption only in ipragliflozin and dropped out. 7 cases showed itching only in ipragliflozin. The itching relieved after switching. 2 cases showed itching both in two drugs similarly. Hence, these two drugs seem to have cross-sensitization. Other 2 patients noticed only after luseogliflozin but not after ipragliflozin. They switched back to ipragliflozin.
The true reason why skin complication is so highly found in patients with ipragliflozine after the release has not been clarified. One reason might be that the itching is so mild as not have been unnoticed in pre-launched clinical trials. And the other reason might be explained by that intra-tissue concentration ratio after 24 hours of medication (in plasma vs. in skin) is almost 6.5 times higher in rat with ipragliflozin than that with luseogliflozin (ipragliflozin; plasma: 6 ng eq/mL, skin:15 ng eq/mL, ratio 2.5. vs. luseogliflozin; plasma: 6.92 ng eq/mL, skin: 2.72 ng eq/mL, ratio: 0.39) 2-3. This high intra-skin concentration ratio could lead to skin complication.
Environmental air change by Asian dust has been emerging problem recently in Japanese. Therefore, it might have become a latent trigger to immune disturbance, leading to skin complication. It could explain why the same trouble was not occurred during the phase 3 trial period of ipragliflozin when the problem of Asian dust was not serious in Japan.. To confirm these, more long time safety study should be needed.
1. Japan Diabetes Society: Recommendation from "Committee on the proper use of SGLT2 inhibitors" (in Japanese) http://www.jds.or.jp/modules/important/index.php?page=article&storyid=48
Interview Form of ipragliflozin . http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/interview/1/800126_3969018F1022_1_1F
2014. p73 (in Japanese)
3. Interview Form of luseogliflozin; http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/interview/1/400059_3969020F1020_1_001_1F
: 2014. p 61 (in Japanese)
Otani S1, Onishi K, Mu H, Yokoyama Y, Hosoda T, Okamoto M, Kurozawa Y. The relationship between skin symptoms and allergic reactions to Asian dust. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2012;9:4606-14.
4. Kashiwagi A, Kazuta K, Goto K, Yoshida S, Ueyama E, Utsuno A. Ipragliflozin in combination with metformin for the treatment of Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes: ILLUMINATE, a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.Diabetes Obes Metab. 2014;12. doi: 10.1111/dom.12331
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice ,Vol.106,S265
Published in issue:November,2014
Improvement of Psoriasis and Chronic eruption after taking SGLT2 inhibitor: ipragliflozin in diabetes of Japanese.
SGLT2 inhibitor (Sodium glucose transporter 2:SGLT2i ) is medication to treat diabetes, being used all over the world. The pre-release clinical trials showed that SGLT2i affect few skin complication. However, after release of ipragliflozin, SGLT2i showed high incidence of skin complications in Japanese. The summary of ipragliflozin’s adverse effect reported some severe cases. According to the condition, Japan Diabetes Society published a warning recommendation in June 2014, towards a proper usage of SGLT2i. 1).
At our clinic, seventeen patients were found who had eruption and/or itching after ipragliflozin treatment. Severe cases among them showed increased eosinophil and DLST (Drug-induced Lymphocyte Stimulation Test) was positive. Some cases noticed eruption and/or itching after taking one or two tablets of ipragliflozine. Other cases noticed the symptoms after 10-30 days of taking ipragliflozine. The true pathogenesis has not been clarified.
Surprisingly, two patients were found whose skin disorder relieved after taking ipragliflozin. The episodes indicate that skin effect of ipragliflozin is not only harmful but also beneficial among individuals. Case 1:67 y/o. man. He had suffered from psoriasis for 4 years, and was treated by steroid and anti-histamine treatment 2). His symptoms abruptly relieved after taking ipragliflozin (Fig.1-a). The condition improved and became stable after two months. Case 2: 63 y/o. man. He had suffered three years from chronic eruption 3). Over the years consultations with multiple dermatologists did not elicit a diagnosis, and symptoms did not improve after numerous trials of topical corticosteroids and systemic antihistamines. But, his symptom abruptly relieved after taking ipragliflozin (Fig.1-b). The symptoms in the photo finally disappeared and he does not need topical medications. Thus, improvement of two different skin disorders was associated with taking ipragliflozin. The association in case 2 was distinct. Ipragliflozin might have an intra-skin-tissue effect possibly associated with immunologic factors 4).
In conclusion, although two cases episode is insufficient to determine the etiology and mechanism, they suggest a distinct association among ipragliflozin and skin function from a different point of view. The phenomena might give a new light in the treatment of psoriasis and chronic eruption of unknown etiology.
(/349 words)
1. Japan Diabetes Society: Recommendation from "Committee on the proper use of SGLT2 inhibitors" (in Japanese) http://www.jds.or.jp/modules/important/index.php?page=article&storyid=48
2.Di Meglio P, Villanova F, Nestle FO. Psoriasis. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2014;4. pii: a015354. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a015354.
3.Convers KD1, Sturm JM, Slavin RG. Chronic bilateral pruritic arm dermatitis in a 61-year-old woman. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2013; 34:558-61.
4.Wu JJ, Nguyen TU, Poon KY, Herrinton LJ. The association of psoriasis with autoimmune diseases. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012; 67:924-30.
Suzuki Y.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice ,Vol.106,S266
Published in issue:November,2014
Change of Grip Strength and Back Strength after SGLT2 inhibitors treatment in diabetes
SGLT2 inhibitor (SGLT2i) has an effect to reduce lean tissue mass as well as fat mass (1). Weakness and/or sarcopenia are the concerns when SGLT2i is prescribed onto the thin patients. Therefore, we examined the change of grip strength (GS) and back strength (BS) before and after the SGLT2i treatment.
112 diabetes patients of Japanese were subjected.
Male 91, Female 21.
They were all treated with ipragliflozin,luseogliflozin, dapagliflozin, or tofogliflozin for over at least 4 weeks and more.
GS and BS were measured before and after the months of SGLT2i treatment.
In male, 30% showed increase of GS and BS. 41% showed increase of GS and decrease of BS. Hence, 71% showed increase of GS. 5% showed decrease of GS and increase of BS. 24% showed decrease of both GS and BS. Hence, 65% showed decrease of BS.
In female, 62% showed increase of GS and BS. 14% showed increase of GS and decrease of BS. Hence, 76% showed increase of GS. 14% showed decrease of GS and increase of BS. 10 % showed decrease of both GS and BS. Hence, 24% showed decrease of BS.
In total, both male and female patients are likely to increase GS. About 71-76 % patients showed increase of GS, indicating no sexual difference. In contrast, more percentage of patients showed decrease of BS in male than in female. It seems that male patients are likely to lose BS, while female patients are resistant to lose BS.
In general, BS is a parameter of total muscle power in healthy Japanese. Therefore, the muscle power loss is reflected by the decease of BS. This study confirmed that the loss of muscle power could occur in diabetes patients under SGLT2i treatment. However, although SGLT2i reduces lean tissue mass and BS, it increased GS in majority of diabetes patients. It seems as if increase of GS compensates decrease of BS, making the muscle power balance homeostatic. Tendency was clearly observed more in male than in female. Several explanations are possible. In diabetes, GS is decreased under hyperglycemia with diabetes (2). Therefore, improvement of hyperglycemia itself could make the GS stronger. Second, nerve conduction velocity recovers rapidly after the improvement of hyperglycemia. Because GS depends on nerve conduction function, the improvement of velocity by SGLT2i therapy might make the grip power stronger. Third, BS is dependent on musculi trunci and GS is dependent on musculi thoracici. Triglyceride accumulation (TGA) in muscle is one of the causes of insulin resistance (3). SGLT2i ameliorate hypertriglycemia and insulin resistance, which causes a reduction of TGA in muscle. Because muscli trunci is richer of TGA than musculi thoracici, the expression of SGLT2i’s effect could appear stronger in muscli trunci than in muscli thoracici, which makes the different patterns of muscle power and their change between GS and BS.
In conclusion, this is a preliminary study. But the phenomena are intriguing to understand the potential mechanism of SGLT2i therapy. Therefore, further profound study is needed in practice.
1: Bolinder J et al. Dapagliflozin maintains glycaemic control while reducing weight and body fat mass over 2 years in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus inadequately controlled on metformin.Diabetes Obes Metab. 2013 Aug 1.doi: 10.1111/dom.12189. [Epub ahead of print],
2:Cetinus E. et al.Hand grip strength in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Res Clin Pract.70:278-86.2005
3: Man ZW et al. Decrease in triglyceride accumulation in tissues by restricted diet and improvement of diabetes in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty rats, a non-insulin-dependent diabetes model.Metabolism 49:108-14.2000
Suzuki Y.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice ,Vol.106,S265-266
Published in issue:November,2014
Consideration of skin complication caused by treatment of SGLT2 inhibitor in Japanese
HDC アトラスクリニック 鈴木吉彦
SGLT2iの皮膚障害が日本でだけ騒動になった理由を下記に推理してみた。1: インタビューフォームにて皮膚障害発症頻度で2%を超え他のSGLT2iより皮膚障害を起こしやすいipraから発売された3)。2:内服初日1錠目から起こる薬疹は、別の原因によるアレルギー素因が先に潜在していた可能性がある。SGLT2iの内服をきっかけにI型皮膚アレルギーとして顕在化しただけかもしれない。3:通年でみるとSGLT2iの新規処方例で皮膚障害発症頻度は夏から秋冬にかけて減っている。ipraの情報提供活動副作用集計結果(2015年2月報告)では薬疹が0.3%と低いが、それはPM2.5の影響が及ばない時期やエリアにて処方されたからでなかろうか。当院では2014年春、東京にて、ヒノキやPM2.5が飛散していた時期に処方し、それが高頻度の皮膚障害を起こした原因ではなかろうか。
Suzuki Y. Skin complication of SGLT2 inhibitor treatment in Japanese. Diab.Res.Clic. Prac. 106, sup1:272, 2014
Japan Diabetes Society: Recommendation from "Committee on the proper use of SGLT2 inhibitors" (in Japanese) http://www.jds.or.jp/modules/important/index.php?page=article&storyid=48
Interview Form of ipragliflozin. http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/interview/1/800126_3969018F1022_1_1F
2014. p73 (in Japanese)
Otani S, Onishi K, Mu H, Hosoda T, Kurozawa Y Ikeguchi M. Associations between subjective symptoms and serum immunoglobulin E levels during Asian dust events. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 11:7636-41, 2014
Takeshita S, Tokunaga T, Tanabe Y, Arinami T, Ichinose T, Noguchi E.
Asian sand dust aggregate causes atopic dermatitis-like symptoms in Nc/Nga mice.Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. 11:3,2015
Otani S, Onishi K, Mu H, Yokoyama Y, Hosoda T, Okamoto M, Kurozawa Y. The relationship between skin symptoms and allergic reactions to Asian dust.Int J Environ Res Public Health. 9:4606-14, 2012
Ogi K, Takabayashi T, Sakashita M, Susuki D, Yamada T, Manabe Y, Fujieda S. Effect of Asian sand dust on Japanese cedar pollinosis.Auris Nasus Larynx. 41:518-22, 2014