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Diabetes Research Clinical Practice

1. Suzuki Y, Taniyama M, Atumi Y, et al.A case of mitochondrial diabetes associated with 3243bp tRNA (Leu(UUR)) mutation with few complications, regardless of 16-year disease duration.Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2005 May 20; pS0168-8227

2. Suzuki Y, Atsumi Y, Matsuoka K, Nishimaki K, Ohta S, Taniyama M, Muramatsu T.Mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) mutation at position 3243 detected in patients with type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2005 Jan;67(1):92-4.

3. Suzuki Y, Oka Y, Taniyama M, et al.A case of type 2 diabetes with high levels of plasma and urinary C-peptide.Diabetes Res Clin Pract (Ireland), Dec 2004, 66 Suppl 1 pS125-8


4. Suzuki Y, Nishimaki K, Taniyama M, et al.Lipoma and opthalmoplegia in mitochondrial diabetes associated with small heteroplasmy level of 3243 tRNA(Leu(UUR)) mutation.Diabetes Res Clin Pract (Ireland), Mar 2004, 63(3) p225-9


5. Suzuki Y, Atsumi Y, Matsuoka K. Alternative site testing increases complicance of SMBG (Preliminary study of three years cohort trials.) Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 59:233-4, 2003

6. Suzuki Y, Matsuura N, Suzuki S, et al. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 genotype in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, vol. 60, issue 2,: 139-141, 2003

7. Suzuki Y, Kuriyama S, Atsumi Y, Murata C, Matsuoka K, Suzuki Y, Taniyama M, Muramatsu T, Suzuki Y, Ohta S.Maternal inheritance of diabetes is associated with inactive ALDH2 genotype in diabetics with renal failure in Japanese. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2003 May;60(2):143-5. No abstract available

8. Suzuki Y, Taniyama M, Hata T, Miyaoka H, Atsumi Y, 他1名. Sleep-wake dysrhythm in mitochondrial diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 35巻:61頁-62頁, 1997年


9. Suzuki Y, Kobayashi T, Taniyama M, Atsumi Y, Oka Y,他3名. Islet cell antibody in mitochondrial diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 35巻: 163頁-165頁, 1997年


10. Suzuki Y, Taniyama M, Nakamura S, Tanaka Y, Asahina T, 他3名. Atonic bladder in diabetes mellitus due to 3243 bp mitochondrial tRNA mutation. Diabetes Research Clinical Practice 29巻: 147頁-148頁,1995年


11. Suzuki Y, Motogi K, Yagihashi S, Wada R, Atsumi Y, 他1名. Macroangiopathy in a case of diabets mellitus with mitochondrial tRNA mutation at position 3243. Diabetes Research Clinical Practice 29巻: 69頁-71頁,1995年

12. Suzuki Y, Kadowaki H, et al. Insulin edema in diabetes mellitus associated with the 3243 mitochonrial tRNA Leu(UUR) mutation; Case reports. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, vol 29: 137-142, 1995


13. Suzuki Y, Matsuoka K. An aid for insulin needle destruction for people with failing eyesight. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, vol. 17: 133-135, 1992.

いずれも、Diabetes Research and Clinical Practiceの抄録集に掲載されています。

 PB-07: Mitochondrial diabetes associated with tRNA Leu (UUR) mutation at position 3271 and two times of GAD antibody negative conversion. vol 120, supple 1, s77-78, 2016

​​15. PB-16: Mitochondrial diabetes and subjective hypoglycemia unawareness​. vol 120, Supple 1, s80-81, 2016.

PB-15: Gain of muscle strength in mitochondrial diabetes treated with SGLT2 inhibitors. vol 120, supple 1, s80, 2016.

PD-26: Increased grip strength with SGLT2 inhibitors: Sub-analysis by BMI, a new insight to EMPA-REG OUTCOME Study. vol 120, supple 1, s99-s100, 2016

PB-18: A case of mitochondrial diabetes associated with 3243 bp tRNA Leu (UUR) mutation, who suffered from the rapid appearance of “mitochondriopathies”.vol 120, supple 1, s81, 2016.


PB-17: A case of diabetes with severe peripheral neuropathy who had negligible level of mitochondrial tRNA Leu (UUR) mutation at position 3243. vol 120, supple 1, s81, 2016.​

PB-19: Two times elevation of CA19-9 in mitochondrial diabetes associated with tRNA (Leu) at position 3271. vol 120, supple 1, s82, 2016​​

PA-14: Clinical pictures associated with borderline heteroplasmy rate of 3243 mitochondrial tRNA Leu (UUR) mutation in type 2 diabetes. vol 120, supple 1, s69, 2016​

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